Dr. Cindy Jiao is a resident physician at Albany Family Medicine in Albany, NY. Dr. Jiao was born in Massachusetts and moved to Toronto, Canada, right before she turned two. When she was around nine years old, she returned to the U.S. and lived all over the Northeast until finally settling down in Rochester, where she went to middle and high school. She attended the University of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh, PA, for undergrad, spent several months in France during a gap year, and returned to complete her medical degree at the University of Rochester in Rochester, NY. Dr. Jiao’s passion for family medicine is evident in her diverse interests within the field. She is particularly drawn to topics such as reproductive health, teaching, integrative health, social justice and anti-racism, and continuity of care and patient relationships. These areas of focus align with her belief in the comprehensive nature of family medicine. Dr. Jiao’s interests extend beyond the realm of medicine, reflecting her well-rounded personality. She enjoys a variety of activities, from active pursuits like swimming and biking, to more introspective hobbies such as tending to her extensive collection of houseplants, cooking, reading webcomics, and spending quality time with her family.