A migraine headache differs from a normal headache in pain, intensity and often includes additional symptoms. Some of these symptoms include moderate to severe pain lasting 4 to 72 hours, nausea and/or vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. People who suffer from headaches lasting 4 or more hours at least 15 days out of the month with at least 8 of those days associated with migraine are considered to have chronic migraine.
It is estimated that 3.2 million Americans live with chronic migraine, but only 20-36% of chronic migraine sufferers are actually diagnosed. Most of the time, people with chronic migraine treat the condition using pain medicine after the migraine occurs. Chronic migraine, however, can be treated with a preventive medication, which is a type of medication used before a headache or migraine occurs. One of the treatments currently available for chronic migraine is BOTOX® injection. BOTOX® works as a preventive treatment for chronic migraine headaches and has been shown to reduce the frequency and intensity of migraine headaches. BOTOX® prevents an average of 8 to 9 headache days a month and patients report 107-134 fewer headache hours per month on average.
Steven Hicks, PA-C is the headache specialist at The Child Neurology Group in Clifton Park, NY. He provides neurologic care for pediatric patients up to the age of 25 and he is trained in Botox injections for the treatment of chronic migraine headaches in adults, and in some situations, those under 18.
The BOTOX® treatment is performed in the office and typically takes about fifteen minutes. The procedure involves a series of 31 injections to specific sites on the forehead, above and behind the ears, at the base of the skull, and along the trapezius muscles. The injections are repeated every 12 weeks and should not be done at a shorter interval, but can be further apart if the patient feels they don't need them as frequently. It may take 2-3 rounds of injections before patients notice improvement in their headache frequency.
Steven Hicks, PA-C of The Child Neurology Group has been administering BOTOX® for treatment of migraine and other neurologic diagnoses for over ten years. Hyperhydrosis and limb spasticity are two other indications which can be treated with BOTOX® at The Child Neurology Group. If you think you may be a candidate or would like to learn more, talk to your doctor or click here for more information. You can reach The Child Neurology Group at (518) 782-3810. The office is located at 1783 Route 9, Suite 101, Clifton Park, NY.