Transition of Care


CCP’s Transition of Care program is specifically for patients in the hospital who have completed their inpatient care and are being discharged. Our team is engaged by your hospital care team or your Community Care Physicians’ primary care physician so we can assist with your transition back home. As you prepare for your discharge from the hospital, it’s critical to have a clear path in place and to follow your discharge instructions. Our goal is to keep you healthy, and we want to make your transition from the hospital as smooth as possible. Our nurse will call you to review your discharge instructions and all medications and to ensure your prescriptions are at your pharmacy. Following your discharge from the hospital, you will have the transitional care visit with a provider to review your hospitalization, address ongoing health concerns and create a plan going forward. No primary care physician? We will set you up with a primary care physician that fits your medical needs and goals. Dr. Tumuluri and the teams at CCP look forward to helping you transition smoothly from the hospital to home and move towards improving your health.


  • Internal Medicine
