April is designated as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Awareness month. If you have IBS, you are not alone: it is estimated the 10-15% of the population has IBS! Many people are undiagnosed and are simply unaware that their symptoms are a medically diagnosed condition.
Making the Diagnosis
IBS is a well-defined gastrointestinal (GI) condition with specific features and criteria to help make the diagnosis. A proper treatment and management approach can reduce unnecessary testing and expensive pursuit of other diagnoses.
- The past approach emphasized diagnosing IBS as a "diagnosis of exclusion" only made after numerous tests and excluding many probable disorders
- New approaches focus on following defined patterns of signs and symptoms
Signs & Symptoms to Watch For
Signs and symptoms may vary, but the most common include:
- Abdominal pain
- Cramping or bloating that is typically relieved by passing a bowl movement
- Excess gas
- Diarrhea or constipation
- Mucus in the stool
Diagnostic Criteria for IBS (The Rome IV)
Watch for recurrent abdominal pain, at least 1 day per week in the last 3 months, associated with 2 or more of the following:
1. Related to defecation
2. Associated with a change in frequency of stool
3. Associated with a change in appearance of stool
Treatment Options
If diagnosed with IBS, there are few options for treatment including:
- Using a daily diary to find "triggers"
- Stress management
- Medications
Our Services
Here at Community Care Physicians, we are dedicated to helping you manage your IBS symptoms and live a happy and healthy life. Talk to your primary care provider about how you can manage your symptoms, diet, and lifestyle. Find your provider here.
For more information, visit:
Created by: Sonya Kara and Dylan Blumberg, 2018 PharmD candidates