
James Belarmino, MD, MC, USNR, Designated A UroLift® Center of Excellence

Dr. James Belarmino has been designated as a UroLift® Center of Excellence. The designation recognizes that Dr. Belarmino has achieved a high level of training and experience with the UroLift® System and demonstrated a commitment to exemplary care for men suffering from symptoms associated with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), also known as enlarged prostate.

Portrait of James Belarmino

When your prostate isn’t healthy, you don’t feel well either. The most common condition that affects your prostate is benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), and our team uses the latest technology to help our patients! Community Care Urology – Niskayuna is treating patients with BPH with an innovative treatment called UroLift®!

Dr. James Belarmino has been designated as a UroLift® Center of Excellence. The designation recognizes that Dr. Belarmino has achieved a high level of training and experience with the UroLift® System and demonstrated a commitment to exemplary care for men suffering from symptoms associated with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), also known as enlarged prostate. The UroLift® Center of Excellence program is designed to highlight urologists committed to educating their patients on BPH and the UroLift® System as a treatment option and consistently seek to deliver excellent patient outcomes and experiences. Dr. Belarmino has been treating patients with this procedure for about two years, working closely with the UroLift® company and its team of providers to ensure that patients are getting the best possible results.

BHP affects over 40 million Americans. Over 40% of men in their 50s and over 70% of men in their 60s have BPH. While BPH is a benign condition unrelated to prostate cancer, it can significantly affect a man’s quality of life.

As the prostate enlarges, it presses on and blocks the urethra, causing bothersome urinary symptoms such as:

  • Frequent need to urinate both day and night
  • A weak or slow urinary stream
  • A sense that you cannot completely empty your bladder
  • Difficulty or delay in starting urination
  • Urgent feeling of needing to urinate
  • A urinary stream that stops and starts

If you suffer from the above symptoms, you are not alone, and our Community Care Urology – Niskayuna team can help using the latest technology, UroLift®.

Why UroLift®?

Treatment with the UroLift® System uses a minimally invasive approach that provides rapid relief and recovery of BPH symptoms. It is an earlier treatment option that can get men off BPH medications and avoid major surgery. The goal of the UroLift® System treatment is to relieve symptoms so you can get back to your life and resume your daily activities.

How does UroLift® work?

The UroLift® System uses a revolutionary approach to treating BPH that lifts and holds the enlarged prostate tissue, no longer blocking the urethra. It is the only available BPH treatment performed by a urologist that does not require heating, cutting, or removing the prostate tissue. The procedure is performed by Dr. Belarmino using local anesthesia at Albany Medical Center’s ambulatory surgery center and Ellis Medicine’s ambulatory surgery center. Patients typically return home the same day without a catheter.

Click here to take a BPH symptom quiz to help determine the severity of your symptoms on the UroLift® website. If you score an eight or higher, you may want to contact us for more information about UroLift® and if it is the proper treatment for you. To learn more about UroLift®, visit Community Care Urology – Niskayuna.

UroLift® is a trademark or registered trademark of Teleflex LLC, its subsidiaries, parent companies or affiliates.

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