For your convenience, you may request your medical records online. Please choose one of the options below and follow the steps. Please note that different forms are used if you are the patient or if you are a patient representative making the request. All requests will be processed within five (5) to ten (10) business days of receipt of the requests. View our FAQs for additional information.

NOTE: The following Community Care practices currently do not accept online requests for medical records:

  • ImageCare (all locations)
  • CapitalCare Family MedEsthetics
  • Image Guided Radiation Therapy
  • The Audiology Center (all locations)

Additionally, the majority of your patient information can be found in your Community Care Physicians Patient Portal account. To learn about the Patient Portal, click HERE.

All patient health care information at Community Care Physicians is confidential and protected by State and Federal laws and HIPAA regulations. Medical records can only be released with proper authorization from the patient or the patient’s legally authorized representative (unless otherwise authorized by law).

Medical records are provided by Community Care Physicians’ vendor partner, Verisma.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a cost to have my records sent to me?

Yes, patients and patient representatives are charged a flat rate of $6.50 per request for electronic and paper copies of your medical records, regardless of the length of the record. There is no fee if you request for the records to be sent to another medical provider for the purpose of medical care.

If records are requested by or sent to an attorney, the attorney will be billed at the state rate unless the patient has granted them Power of Attorney.


At what point am I charged for my records and what payment types are accepted?

Requestors will receive an invoice with payment instructions with the records. You can pay electronically online or by check following the instructions we will provide you. Attorneys will be invoiced based on their preferred process (prepayment vs invoicing).

How long will it take for me to receive medical records after I've submitted a request?

Requestors can expect to receive medical records five (5) to ten (10) business days after submitting a request.

Is there a maximum number of requests a requestor can submit?

No, there is not a maximum number of requests.

Is there an age limit on who can request records through the site?

No, there is no age limit.

How will I know my request for medical records went through correctly?

When your request has been received by our team you will receive a confirmation email, usually within a few minutes, from the following email address:
[email protected]. If you do not see the email in your inbox, please check your email spam filter for this communication. If you are still unsure if your request was submitted correctly, contact Community Care Physicians’ vendor partner, Verisma, by calling 866-577-3269 or emailing [email protected].

Will I get a tracking number for my request?

If you provide your email address when you complete the online request form, you will receive an email with a link to our tracking website and a tracking number so you can check the status of your request. If you have any additional questions or issues, please contact our medical records vendor partner, Verisma, by calling 866-577-3269 or emailing [email protected].

Can I submit one request for records to be sent to multiple locations?

If you need records to be sent to multiple locations/recipients or entities, please complete a separate form for each request.

How do I request my full medical record with no specific date range?

When completing the form, you are required to enter a date range. However, if you’d like your complete medical record and do not know the first time you were seen by Community Care Physicians, select the “Release All of My Records” option and that request will be fulfilled regardless of the date range you entered.

How do you know I’m authorized to receive the records?

Patients can obtain their own records at any time using the request form above. If you are requesting records on behalf of a patient, we must verify CCP has appropriate authorization, Power of Attorney, Executor of Estate or Healthcare Proxy documents permitting us to release the records to the person requesting them. If we do not have the appropriate documentation required by HIPAA (either the form is missing or the requestor is not listed on the form), then CCP’s partners at Verisma will send a rejection letter to the requestor stating the reason of the rejection to the email address or mailing address provided on the request. If that occurs, you can remedy the situation by completing the appropriate forms with the doctor’s office. Rest assured, this process is in place to protect the PHI of our patients.

Requesting medical records from ImageCare?

Please call (518) 786-1600 and select the option for Medical Records.


Please contact Verisma's customer service by calling 866-577-3269 or emailing [email protected].