
The Ruth Beer Breast Center at ImageCare in Latham is located at Wellness Way, the multispecialty medical mall located off Route 9. This is one of the Capital Region’s few full service breast centers providing the latest in breast cancer screening and diagnosis. We are convenient to the Albany, NY area. An accredited facility of the American College of Radiology (ACR), The Ruth Beer Breast Center at ImageCare provides state-of-the-art technology paired with excellent patient care to serve women’s breast health needs. We offer the unique benefit of having your breast imaging services provided in one location and read by subspecialized breast radiologists. You’ll come to know our staff and trusted physicians throughout your visits with us, so you can feel confident you are in good, and familiar, hands.
Our nationally recognized breast center has expanded into a spacious new suite that features:
- Board Certified Breast Radiologists
- Separate breast cancer screening suite and diagnostic patient areas
- Digital mammography for screening and diagnosis featuring MammoPad® (A mammo-pad is a foam cushion that covers the sometimes cold, hard surface of mammography units to provide you with more comfort and a better experience.)
- Biopsy services, including ultrasound guided core biopsy, stereotactic core needle biopsy and ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration to examine breast tissue more closely
- MRI Guided Biopsy
- Breast MRI
- Ultrasound Guided Cyst Aspiration
- MRI of the Breast with 3D post-processing
- Breast care coordinators to help facilitate future appointments with us and or referrals for surgical consult when necessary
- Bone DEXA scans
To learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment, call our office.
Transportation to Wellness Way
Wellness Way is conveniently located just off the Northway and Rt. 9 in Latham. CDTA bus route #182 will take you to the Wellness Way – CDPHP/Community Care Physicians stop. 6 Wellness Way was previously called 6 Autopark Drive. If ride shares such as Uber, Lyft, or Medi Cab services don’t yet recognize the new address, please use 6 Autopark Drive, Latham, NY 12110 to get to Wellness Way.
Jessica Fournier
Michael Gabor
Rupal Patel
DO, Medical Director of The Breast Centers at ImageCare
Catherine L. Wells
Accreditation & Awards

Patient Forms
The PDF forms below can to be downloaded and printed. After filling them out, they can be sent to our office or bring them with you to your next appointment.
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